How To Improve OTIF: 15 Tips for On Time and In Full Delivery

On time in full (OTIF) might just be the four most important words associated with any supply chain. We share 15 tips for improving on time in full delivery performance.

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15 Tips for OTIF Delivery

On time in full (OTIF) might just be the four most important words associated with any supply chain.

It’s well worth the time to take a closer look at OTIF. It is important to know the origins of this concept and how to measure this metric. Professionals throughout the supply chain need to understand how to leverage track-and-trace and other technologies. Only then will they be able to obtain the real-time data needed to drive strategic decisions — moves that make OTIF consistently attainable even amid the constant risks of disruption. We will also share 15 tips for improving on time in full delivery performance.

OTIF 15 Tips